To provide continuity of planning and representation for the Senate and to prepare the agenda for the Senate meetings.
**Any decisions by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Senate at its next regular meeting and be subject to review and approval.
Faculty Senate Executive Committee:
President: Nancy Kusmaul (Associate Professor/SOWK)
Vice President: Shannon Sauro (Professor/EDUC)
At-Large Members:
- Mir Usman Ali (Assistant Professor/Public Policy)
- Mariajose Castellanos (Principal Lecturer, Checical, Biochemical and Environmental Engineering)
- Kevin Omland (Professor, Biological Services)
- Tanya Saunders (Associate Professor, Language Literacy & Culture)
- Dawn Biehler (Chair of the Academic Planning and Budget (APB) Committee)
- Donald Snyder (Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee)
- Elizabeth Feeser (Chair of the Undergraduate Council)
- Rachel Brewster (Liaison from the Graduate Council)
- Susan McDonough (Immediate Past President of the Faculty Senate)
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