Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC)


To review and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate concerning conditions of employment of faculty members.

To review and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate concerning faculty evaluations including but not limited to student course evaluations and promotion and tenure policies.


Members: (8 members [1 instructor, 1 non-tenured]; 2 yr. term)

  • Seungchul Baek (Assistant Professor, MATH)
  • Lindsay DiCuirci (Associate Professor, ENGL)
  • Conor Donnan (Lecturer/AMST)
  • Joanna Gadsby (Librarian III, Library)
  • Jason Kestner (Associate Professor, PHYS)
  • Donald Snyder (Principal Lecturer, MCS)
  • Eric Stokan (Assistant Professor, POLI)
  • Zehra Zaidi (Assistant Professor, Math & Stat)


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